11 Best Payment Gateways to Choose for Your Android App

The need for mobile app payment gateway integration becomes crucial for online stores, providers of various services, and, actually, all types of businesses associated with money transactions via the Internet (and these transactions are almost always involved). But which payment gateway is best for your purposes? We’re going to clarify this issue.

Mobile app payment gateway integration in practice

We won’t go into all details, right now we’d like to recall the general basics.

The money transfer process usually involves:

  • companies that process and support transactions in the interests of other players;

  • processing centers that provide services to merchants. They’re able to transfer money between banks;

  • banks which work with merchants and organize card acceptance points;

  • banks issuing debit and credit cards aimed at consumers.

Particular attention should be paid to payment systems such as MasterCard, Visa, American Express, etc. They provide support in conducting transactions between consumers, merchants, processing centers, and banks and withhold fees from financial institutions involved in the transaction process.

All this is very good, but you’re probably interested in the actual practice. You need a certain "intermediary" able to help you, as the application owner, accept payments from your customers. We’re talking about payment gateways, of course.

Mobile app payment gateway integration in practice
In our other article, we've covered the problem of payment gateway integration in mobile apps at great length, so there is no point in repeating the whole thing once again. Click here and read!

However, as you can imagine, the market is full of solutions of the sort. So which one to choose? Which is the best online payment gateway? Let's see…

#1. Braintree

Some consider Braintree the best payment gateway in the world (or one of them, at least). And such a high opinion has grounds that we give below.


  • The Braintree system is being used by popular applications such as Airbnb, Uber, and Hotel Tonight.

  • In 2013, PayPal had absorbed Braintree and paid about $ 800 million.

And now let's see how Braintree can surprise and delight its users.

Served zone (geography)

Braintree has truly covered almost the whole world. Its payment gateway services operate in Europe, the USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Malaysia, and even distant Australia! That is, you must live in one of these locations.

(Extra) features

  1. Security. When it comes to mobile app payment gateway integration, security comes first! And such a market leader as Braintree couldn't neglect the issue either. Its protection includes the following aspects:

    • 3D & Data security

    • Protection against any type of fraud

  2. PCI Compliance. PCI DSS (or Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a document with a list of criteria a service must meet if it somehow manages money transactions. And PCI Compliance, respectively, implies that the service follows these rules. Of course, Braintree took care to meet the highest safety requirements. And if you're wondering how to add a payment gateway in the Android app (and iOS, of course) without any risk, then your answer is Braintree.

  3. Real-time Reports. Detailed and timely reports are another useful feature of Braintree.

  4. In-store Payments are also provided by the Braintree functionality.

  5. White-Glove support. We mean customer support at the highest level. Given that the company has representations throughout the world, Braintree can easily provide such a service.

  6. Third-party integrations. Of course, you shouldn’t ignore the possibility of integration with other services - when creating applications, this can be a determining factor.

  7. Worldwide. Remember the coverage area (served zones)? That's what we're talking about!

Payment details

  1. Payment methods:

    • Credit/debit cards (Mastercard, Visa, UnionPay, Amex, Discover, Diners, JCB, Maestro)

    • E-wallets (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Visa Checkout, Masterpass, Venmo, Amex, Express Checkout)

    • Local options (Bancontact, eps, ACH Direct Debit, Klarna Pay Now (Sofort), giropay, iDEAL, SEPA Direct Debit, MyBank)

  2. Fees:

    • Regular sellers and vendors needing a payment gateway for Android apps. In this case, the commission is 2.9% + $.30 (per transaction). Supported cards: Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Discover, Diners Club, American Express. In addition, Braintree works with digital wallets and Venmo.

    • Proven charities seeking reliable payment gateway solutions. The price is 2.2% + $.30 per transaction. These include Visa, Discover, Mastercard, JCB, Diners Club cards; also, the system works with Venmo digital wallets and e-wallets. If we're talking about American Express cards, fees are 3.25% + $ 0.30.

    • Currency, other than USD. Braintree charges an extra 1% when there is a need in transactions of this kind.

    • Transactions outside the United States. Again, an additional commission of 1% is required.

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    • Questioning payment fairness. If your client doesn't agree with the charge and forces you to make a refund, then you have to pay an additional $15 (per each such case).

    • Returning fees. Unfortunately, Braintree isn't willing to return your money (fees) in cases of chargebacks. Though, if you managed to register before the beginning of August 2018, the situation is somewhat different: if you’ve fully refunded the transaction, you get a chance to receive your funds (the ones you paid to Braintree as a fee).

  4. Payouts:

    • The company offers very favorable payout terms described on its website in great detail.

Technical details

Now let's discuss the technical issues regarding the Braintree payment gateway integration in a mobile application.

  1. Supported client SDK platforms:

    1. iOS

    2. Android

    3. Web/JavaScript

  2. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform)

  3. Open API

#2. Stripe

Discussing the best global payment gateways, we shouldn't forget about Stripe either.

This is a fast-growing project, initially focused on developers, so in order to properly configure it, users need advanced programming knowledge.

However, in general, Stripe has a number of excellent characteristics and helpful features which we're ready to discuss at length.

Served zone (geography)

Stripe really belongs to global payment gateway providers.

See for yourself: it serves customers from the United Kingdom, United States, Netherlands, Canada, Finland, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, Italy, Norway, Japan, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Singapore, Denmark, Germany, Spain... The list is truly impressive, isn't it?

(Extra) features

  1. More than a hundred pre-installed features. These are so-called "features out of the box", and they are usually enough to satisfy basic needs regarding a payment process.

  2. Subscriptions & Billing. The feature is focused on actively developing companies, which need something more than just the default functionality (see par. 1).

  3. The Atlas solution, which helps to start an online business, avoiding unnecessary paperwork and other similar fuss. This is one of the reasons why entrepreneurs consider the program almost the best payment gateway for eCommerce, and also a loyal assistant to Internet startups.

  4. The Сonnect platform, aimed at helping marketplaces and other resources process transactions when dealing with third parties.

  5. A programmable terminal that supplements your online presence with a real one.

  6. The creation of business models and cards. To make it true, the company provides a special API.

  7. Confronting fraud. The Radar feature would be appropriate in your anti-fraud intention.

  8. Sigma. The feature provides the simplest access to your business data which are literally at your hand, always and everywhere!

  9. Premium Level Support. Sometimes businesses need more complex, individually customized payment gateway solutions and exclusive support. And Stripe can offer such a set of solutions and support.

Payment details

  1. Payment methods:

    1. Credit/debit cards: Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express, JCB, UnionPay, Diners.

    2. E-wallets: Apple Pay, Microsoft Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, Visa Checkout, Amex Express Checkout, Masterpass by Mastercard, WeChat Pay

    3. Local payment options: WeChat Pay, ACH Debit, ACH Credit Transfer, Alipay, iDEAL, Bancontact, SEPA Direct Debit, EPS, Giropay, P24 BETA, SOFORT)

  2. Fees:

    1. Transactions through bank cards. The commission is 2.9% + 30 per each transaction.

    2. In-person option. Here we're talking about payments that a user makes personally, through a Stripe Terminal. Then the commission will be 2.7% + 5¢ (as usually, per transaction)

    3. International bank cards. Fees increase by 1% (and another 1% if currency conversion is needed during a transaction).

    4. A custom option aimed at businesses, which need to process a large number of transactions or work on a non-standard scheme.

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. There are two pieces of news in this regard, a bad and a good one. A good one is that you don't need to pay a commission when refunding transactions. The bad news is that the fees you've already paid to Stripe won't return to you.

  4. Payouts:

    1. https://docs.stripe.com/payouts

Technical details

And now it's time to talk about the technical details of this representative of the payment gateway providers.

  1. Supported client SDK platforms:

    1. iOS

    2. Android

  2. SDK/Integration guides 

  3. Open API

#3. Square Capital

Some like Braintree, some prefer Stripe, but there are also those who're sure that Square Capital is the best payment gateway for startups and long-existing projects.

Well, the solution really has great advantages which we’re going to discuss right now.

Served zone (geography)

The company operates in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Japan and seeks to expand its coverage to the global level.

(Extra) features

  1. Simple setup without creating a seller account. This is an all-in-one mode, which eliminates unnecessary steps from the configuration process.

  2. Deposits the very next day. The feature might come in handy on many occasions.

  3. Security. As we've said, security is crucial when it comes to transaction processing. The best global payment gateways take care of this issue, and Square Capital undoubtedly belongs to the market leaders. So it offers:

    1. Full data encryption;

    2. Notification of all suspicious events and activities;

    3. Constant Fraud Protection;

    4. PCI compliance at the proper level.

  4. Integrated payment solutions (online and offline): readers, POS software, etc.

  5. Built-in analytics. The feature allows receiving full reports and analyzing the effectiveness of monetary transactions.

Payment details

Before you add a payment gateway to the Android app, you might be interested in finding out the options this provider offers, such as fees, payouts, refunds, and so on. Let’s consider them in order!

  1. Payment methods:

    1. Credit/ debit cards

    2. Deposit Adjustment

  2. Fees:

    1. The company provides SDK free of charge, and you only need to pay 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction. In addition, there is the сustom rate option.

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. No refund or chargeback fees are required. Moreover, the company is ready to cover up to $ 250 in the appropriate chargeable payments monthly.

  4. Payouts:

    1. standard option: the money is credited to the bank account on the next business day;

    2. urgent option: 1% commission if you prefer to receive money immediately.

Technical details

Now let's see what documentation you can use to figure out how to add a payment gateway to the Android app.

  1. Supported client SDK platforms:

    1. iOS

    2. Android

    3. Flutter

  2. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform):

    1. Android option

    2. Flutter

  3. Open API

#4. Authorize.net

When it comes to looking for the best online payment gateway for small businesses and large projects, one couldn’t fail but mention Authorize.Net either.

Authorize.Net is an electronic platform that allows you to make payments for online purchases, IT products, and website services online. It’s obviously one of the largest payment systems with a huge client database (more than 250 thousand users).

Served zone (geography)

The company serves clients from Canada, the USA, United Kindom, Australia, and European countries.

By the way, Authorize.Net is one of the most popular e-commerce payment platforms in North America. Here it's truly considered the best online payment gateway (well, or among the top 10).

(Extra) features

  1. Excellent user experience regarding payment. Authorize.net provides the most convenient, fast, and reliable way to conduct transactions.

  2. Automated billing. The service allows you to make regular payments in an automatic way.

  3. Sync with Quickbooks. The client can save money and personal time by importing the transaction calculations directly to the e-wallet.

  4. Security. And again, it's time to recall security, without which best payment gateway software, of course, cannot do:

    1. Confidentiality of information. To preserve his anonymity, the user can take advantage of the services of a client manager. The data of the system's participants are marked and stored under reliable protection.

    2. Fraud detection and response system. To ensure complete security of his account, the client is allowed to independently adjust the security settings.

    3. PCI compliance: simplified and reliable.

  5. Electronic check eCheck.Net®. The technology of integrated electronic registration of e-wallets allows you to accept payments directly from a bank account and process them through the terminal of the Authorize.Net system.

Payment details

Different payment gateway services have different fees, chargebacks, and payout options. Let's see what Authorize.net offers so that we can compare it with others.

  1. Payment methods:

    1. Credit and debit cards:

      • MasterCard

      • Visa

      • Discover

      • American Express

      • JCB

    2. E-wallets:

      • Apple Pay

      • PayPal

      • E-check

      • Visa Checkout

  2. Fees:

    1. All-in-One Plan:

      • Monthly contributions are $ 25

      • Transaction fee is 2.9% + 30¢

    2. Just the Payment Gateway:

      • Monthly contributions are $ 25

      • 10¢ + 10¢ everyday batch

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. $25 in case of an All-in-One plan.

  4. Payouts:

    1. https://support.authorize.net/s/article/When-Are-Transactions-Batched-for-Settlement-and-Can-This-Time-Be-Changed

Technical details

To decide which payment gateway is best, you need to study the technical aspect of the matter too. So…

  1. Supported client SDK platforms: Android, iOS

  2. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform): API wrapper

  3. Open API

#5. WePay

WePay also belongs to leaders, that is, to the best payment gateways for small businesses (as well as big ones).

WePay was founded in the USA in 2008. In just a few years, the company had raised $ 10 million in investments from Highland Capital Partners, SVAngel, Dave McClure, August Capital, Y Combinator, Mark Goins, Steve Chen (YouTube founder), and Max Levchin (PayPal co-founder).

WePay supports different types of online payment integration and adheres to the rule of 3 "NO": no hidden fees, no joining fees, and no monthly fees.

But let's see more!

Served zone (geography):

WePay payment gateway services apply to three countries: the USA, United Kingdom, Canada

(Extra) features:

  1. Simple and intuitive interface. A friendly and intuitive interface is one of the undoubted advantages of the program.

  2. Sale of goods. You can create a simple store based on WePay or sell items using your existing online store. Also, the system offers a lot of convenient payment options (which we'll describe in the next section).

  3. Ticket selling. There is also an opportunity to sell tickets and accept registration fees for all sorts of events (say, if you want to organize a charity evening).

  4. Receiving donations. If you want to add a payment gateway to the Android app (or iOS) to get a chance, among other things, to accept donations, then WePay is your 1st choice because it offers a simple way to perform such a task. Create a page to collect donations or collect them from your existing site by embedding a link to the page in question.

  5. Debt collection. WePay simplifies the process of receiving money from debtors by automatically reminding them of the need to make payments. Also, WePay accepts the debt to your account. All you have to do is enter the email address of the person who should pay you.

  6. Simplified payment of crowdfunding services. Crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly popular way of attracting investment. And everything related to money transactions deserves special attention. WePay has approached the issue with tough-minded thoroughness.

  7. Premium support. WePay provides its partners with the maximum support including round-the-clock mode, fast processing of payment requests, training of team members, and even direct real-time consultation if necessary.

Payment details

And now let's talk about what payment gateway solutions the WePay company offers when it comes to the most important, namely…

  1. Payment methods:

    1. WePay allows:

      • accept payments by plastic cards

      • pay by installments

      • make repeated payments

      • ACH payments (electronic payments made through the network of the Automated Clearing House).

  2. Fees:

    1. As we've said, in regard to fees, everything is transparent, and you clearly understand what you are paying for. No hidden fee is a unique feature of the company. To be precise, WePay takes 2.9% + $ 0.30 per transaction and $25.00 as a research fee. Also, you have to pay in the case of a refund… let’s see how much!

  3. Chargebacks and Refunds:

    1. If you have to make a refund, the chargeback is supplemented with $ 15 as a fee. The same applies to ACH refund: be ready to pay an extra $ 15.00 as a fee. However, if you manage to win a case, the money will return back to your account, this is one of the promised payment gateway services.

  4. Payouts:

    1. Payouts are available in a daily, weekly, and monthly mode - depending on your needs. You can withdraw funds in several ways:

      • Via bank check sent by mail

      • Transfer of funds to other participants or to any e-mail

      • To bank account

      • Visa card

Technical details

  1. Supported client SDK platforms: Android, iOS.

  2. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform): API wrapper

  3. Open API

#6. PaySafe

Another good option for payment gateway integration in mobile applications is PaySafe.

Paysafe Group is a global provider of electronic payment solutions such as Skrill and NETELLER. They occupy leading positions as payment systems in the gambling industry.

Important news!

In 2019, Paysafe began working with VISA on the European market. Thanks to the contract they’ve signed, Paysafe GROUP plans to issue Skrill and NETELLER cards (so far only within the European Economic Area). In turn, the technology and customer base of the Paysafe platform will become available to VISA.

The agreement is part of the Paysafe strategy to strengthen its position in the rapidly growing banking services area and an attempt to become the best payment gateway for international transactions.

Served zone (geography):

The service operates worldwide and covers at least 200 countries in the USA, Europe, Canada, and Asia.

(Extra) features:

  1. Multivariance. The platform offers an interface in 24 languages, supports more than 100 types of online payment integration, and works with 40 currency options.

  2. Security. PaySafe ensures various solutions to improve the security of monetary transactions. Among them are strong encryption, PCI compliance, and tracking of innovative technologies in the data protection field.

  3. iGaming Growth. The gaming & gambling industry is now at the height of its fame, and gaming service providers are making good money on such demand. So, they need the best payment gateway in the world - or at least the one in the top 10! And PaySafe gives it to them. The proof is that the program has already been chosen by many leading online casinos, poker organizations, sportsbooks, and other representatives of the gambling games area.

  4. InstoreTM. The feature helps company owners monitor the performance of their business with tools such as complete information about each transaction, analytics, statistics, useful insights.

  5. Travel agencies support. Another popular business area is tourism. And, of course, travel companies are also seeking reliable payment gateway solutions. That's why PaySafe provided them with a special feature focused on their needs.

Payment details

  1. Payment methods:

    1. Bank solutions:  SEPA, EFT, ACH, BACS;

    2. Bank cards (of course!): Visa Electron, Visa Debit, Maestro, MasterCard;

    3. Worldwide e-wallets: NETELLER, Skrill;

    4. Online prepaid options: Paysafe Pay Later, Paysafecash, Paysafecard;

    5. Other options:

      • Giropay

      • Boku

      • Klarna & Rapid Transfers

      • Accessing funds from the bank account (when buying online)

  2. Fees:

    1. Calling a universal amount of fees is impossible because the fee depends on many facts including the company location, business line, the nature of the transaction, and much more.

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. PaySafe offers Smart Dispute for chargeback management, which simplifies the entire process and allows you to precisely meet the timing of refund payments. By the way, in the case when a certain seller (or a bank card) has earned a negative reputation as unreliable, he can be blacklisted.

  4. Payouts:

    1. Usually, the money goes to a single bank account. However, if you wish, you can use the split-payment system.

Technical details

This payment gateway for Android apps has the following characteristics:

  1. Supported client SDK platforms: Android, iOS.

  2. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform): API wrapper

  3. Open API

 payment gateway for Android apps
Mobile development is fraught with many pitfalls, but we know how to turn aside from any difficulty. Click here to know the details!

#7. Klarna

Klarna is another example of a reliable payment gateway provider.

Klarna's mission is to simplify the payment process in all possible ways. Service users don't need to register to make a purchase - just entering the email and zip code is enough. Moreover, the order itself can be paid within 14 days after receipt.

But first things first!

Served zone (geography):

Klarna's payment gateway services are offered in the USA, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Sweden, and Finland. And the scope of the company is still expanding.

(Extra) features:

  1. Convenient payment here and now (users aren't particularly fond of being redirected to another resource to conduct a transaction, so Karna avoids acting such a way)

  2. Continuous high-level round-the-clock support

  3. Convenient payment options (more on that below)

  4. Updating the program in automatic mode (to offer the latest payment gateway solutions)

  5. Numerous payment methods

  6. Transaction protection through PCI compliance and GDPR

  7. Several packages of services, which target different types of business

Payment details

The main idea of Klarna, which is eager to become the best payment gateway for startups, is to make online shopping meet everyone's needs. Therefore, the company focuses on people who are afraid to show credit card information or aren't willing to pay in advance.

Klarna assumes the risks for both parties: the seller gets his money in any case, and the buyer pays only after receiving the purchase.

If we talk in more detail then…

  1. Payment methods:

    1. Traditional payment method (Pay Now). Everything is simple: the buyer pays when making a purchase (as usual).

    2. Deferred payment of goods (Pay Later). The seller gets payment immediately, and the buyer is given a deferment for a period of 2 weeks to a month. To purchase, he only needs to enter his email, shipping address, and phone number. In fact, a delay of 14-30 days means that the buyer pays after receiving the goods.

    3. Slice It. Buyers are invited to make split low-interest payments.

  2. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. When a customer requests a refund, the owner of an online business must make chargebacks within 7 banking days. Of course, this only applies when the buyer has already paid.

  3. Payouts:

    1. https://www.klarna.com/uk/business/merchant-support/accounting-records-bookkeeping/can-see-transactions-payout/

Technical details

And again, when discussing payment gateway services, we can't avoid technical details such as...

  1. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform): Only Java

  2. SDK
  3. Open API

#8. 2checkout

2checkout is also fighting for the right to be called the best payment gateway software.

2Checkout has been operating in the online payment market since 2000. During this time, more than 50,000 trade enterprises from different countries of the world became its clients.

Served zone (geography)

2Checkout provides financial transactions and offers payment gateway solutions in almost 200 countries around the world (including even Africa and the Middle East).

(Extra) features

  1. Enhanced security and fraud protection. 2Checkout is certified at the highest PCI 1 level and provides a three-step approach to early fraud detection.

  2. Advanced integration with third-party solutions including Bigcommerce, Shopify, and WooCommerce. This makes 2Checkout one of the best payment gateways for WooCommerce.

  3. 24/7 support, including:

    1. FAQ page

    2. "Contacts" to send a letter or call 2Checkout representatives

    3. Support in social networks

Payment details

  1. Payment methods:

    1. People can use several payment methods including credit-debit cards and PayPal. Moreover, 2Checkout handles various 130+ currencies in 30+ languages.

  2. Fees:

    1. 2Checkout guarantees the absence of hidden fees, subscription fees, and service connection fees.

    2. 2Checkout belongs to flexible payment gateway providers and offers a pricing model at a fixed rate depending on your type of business. Say, conditions for international e-commerce and local stores will differ.

    3. On average, if you accept payments from customers outside the United States, a fee of 1% is charged, and currency conversion leads to an extra 2-5%.

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. You’ll pay $ 20 to make any refund. On the other hand, the company offers various ways to prevent fraudulent payments.

  4. Payouts:

    1. The payout format depends on the chosen package of services and can be made in the following ways:

      • Payoneer

      • Webmoney

      • ACH

      • wire

      • check.

Technical details

  1. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform): Only API

  2. Open API

#9. Amazon Pay

Amazon has excelled in many areas, from online sales to cloud computing. It is therefore not surprising that the company doesn't ignore payment gateway solutions either.

Served zone (geography)

Amazon truly spread its influence around the world! It works in the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, the USA, Belgium, Austria, France, Spain, Denmark, Cyprus, Ireland, Portugal, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Japan, and India.

(Extra) features

Given Amazon’s experience in sales, we can safely say that the company knows what the best payment gateway for eCommerce means. But let's see how this knowledge was realized through the program’s functionality.

  1. Simplified payment method. Since Amazon is an expanded e-commerce network, its users already have their own accounts. And this data is almost enough to make the payment (it means the whole process is simpler).

  2. Clear API-based mobile app payment gateway integration. The integration process is clear and user-friendly thanks to detailed documentation.

  3. Different payment options. Amazon Pay clients can pay using mobile devices, desktop computers, or even voices - as they like.

  4. Alexa tool, designed to enhance payment gateway solutions through services such as notifications on the order status, all kinds of recommendations, etc.

Payment details

  1. Payment methods:

    1. credit and debit cards: Mastercard, Diners Club, Visa, Discover, JCB, American Express.

    2. transfer money from an Amazon Pay account.

  2. Fees:

    1. Service Initiation - $ 0.30

    2. Regular transfer - 2.9%

    3. Transfer abroad - 3.9%

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. A refund will cost you an additional $20.00. The company allows challenging the refund, but the answer should be given within 11 days. Otherwise, after the expiration of the mentioned period, the money will be debited anyway.

  4. Payouts:

    1. https://pay.amazon.com/us/help/201212160

Technical details

  1. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform): Only Java SDK

  2. Open API

#10. SecurePay

Among the popular payment gateway services, we need to mention SecurePay which is also in well-deserved demand.

Served zone (geography):

SecurePay is really popular, but its sphere of influence is geographically limited. In fact, it belongs to the Australian payment gateway providers (at least for now, the situation may change in the future).

(Extra) features:

  1. Several pricing solutions (you can choose the one you like most);

  2. Increased transaction security and special measures to prevent potential fraud;

  3. Ability to customize the payment page to your liking;

  4. A number of types of online payment integration to choose from;

  5. Advanced solutions to manage your account, get statistics and analyze the data received (through reporting).

Payment details

  1. Payment methods:

    1. Credit/debit cards: MasterCard, Diners Club International, Visa, American Express.  

    2. E-wallets (namely, PayPal).

  2. Fees:

    1. The thing making SecurePay the best payment gateway for small businesses (or one of the best) is the lack of regular fees (say, once a month or year). Also, the company doesn't require money for program authorization. Business owners pay only 2.4% when dealing with local Visa & MasterCard cards

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. If the company is forced to refund the money, then it must additionally pay $ 25 to SecurePay.

#11. eWAY

We complete our review of the best global payment gateways with the eWAY program, the leader of the UK market.

Served zone (geography)

EWAY services don't operate in America (though, they might in the future, who knows?). However, owners of e-commercial projects from the European Union, as well as such countries as New Zealand, Australia, Macau, Hong Kong, Singapore, can safely add a payment gateway to the Android app using this very solution.

(Extra) features

  1. Fraud Protection and PCI Compatibility

  2. Reliable advanced round-the-clock support

  3. Convenient account management, including statistics collection, reporting, and analysis

  4. Apple Pay Support

Payment details

eWAY's mission is to help its customers save time and money in processing transactions through the top-notch payment gateway services it offers. But let's take a look at what eWAY actually provides us with, what payment terms we should expect.

  1. Payment methods:

    1. Debit/Credit cards: American Express, Visa,  JCB, MasterCard, Diners Club, Discover.  

    2. E-wallets: MasterPlus, Visa checkout, Apple Pay.

  2. Fees:

    1. everything is simple: 1.9% + 20c per transaction;

  3. Chargebacks and refunds:

    1. When it comes to chargebacks, eWAY is quite loyal to its clients (business owners). It doesn't limit them in time and, also, offers convenient tools to make refunds (say, without the need to enter the buyer’s data once again).

  4. Payouts:

    1. https://www.eway.com.au/features/benefits/fast-settlement/

Technical details

  1. Supported client SDK platforms: all of them, including iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, and so on.

  2. SDK/Integration guides (Android platform): API wrapper

  3. Open API 

We've described the 11 best payment gateways for international transactions (as well as local ones). And now it's up to you to decide which one to select.

If you still have any doubts, contact us, and we’ll help you make the right choice!


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