Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Agilie SDLC Approach

Take advantage of the efficient Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach to launch your powerful software on the market within a shorter timeframe.
SDLC Principles
SDLC represents a project management framework, establishing the best way to develop and maintain digital products. The concept serves as a guide to creating high-quality and up-to-date software that fully meets user expectations and market requirements.
SDLC optimizes available time and resources to ensure fast and cost-effective product development.
Defining deliverables and activities, proper SDLC allows accurate project tracking and easy process controlling.
SDLC establishes a clear plan to achieve the goals. The process increases client relations and mitigates project risks.
SDLC Principles
Why is SDLC Important?
Efficient project management
Efficient project management
Take advantage of special project management tools to make the development process more controlled.
Increased development speed
Increased development speed
Allow the team to work in a more coordinated manner, as each phase logically comes from the previous one.
Risk reduction
Risk reduction
Use the Software Development Life Cycle phase to mitigate risks throughout project implementation.
Transparency of processes
Transparency of processes
Enable project participants, including the client, to figure out the project progress whenever needed.
Let's discuss your project
Main Phases of Agilie Software Development Life Cycle
Our SDLC process covers pre-sale, discovery, delivery, deployment, and further support. These stages involve analysis and planning of project requirements, UI/UX design creation, software development, product testing, launch, and‌ maintenance.
Main Phases of Agilie Software Development Life Cycle
Preparation for the development process includes thorough analysis of project requirements and the market. Experts gather particular data required to build a new system.

A project team plans development activities to effectively deliver the final digital product. Planning serves to specifically determine the scope and purpose of a solution.

Analysis & Planing
Specialists make software design decisions regarding the architecture of the future platform. The Design stage thinks through the principle a software application shall function.

The actual coding begins. Developers create the software code and implement it under the approved design, technical specifications, and requirements.

Design & Development
Agilie QA staff carries out comprehensive product tests to make sure it runs like clockwork. Testing helps reduce the number of glitches and errors that users will face.

When the software is launched, the goal is to make it perform at its highest level 24/7. Also, developers implement changes the platform needs after it’s deployed.

Tesing & Maintenance
Agilie SDLC models
Cascade model
Stages of product implementation follow one after another. Taking one step back is impossible.

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Iterative process
Product implementation process involves repeating cycles (sprints). Each sprint includes key SDLC stages.

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Low Flexibility
Since it’s impossible to return to the previous phase, making adjustments to the development process becomes challenging.

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High Flexibility
Repetitive development cycles ensure great flexibility. Any required adjustments can be made in any subsequent sprint.

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The project as a whole
The Waterfall project is a single entity. The client receives the finished product upon the project completion, after having gone through all SDLC stages.

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Set of sub-projects
The Agile project comprises sub-projects (cycles). Each cycle ends with the creation of a certain product version, which the client can check at an early stage.

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Focus on the final product
With the Waterfall approach, the focus is on implementing and releasing a quality product. The initially set goal is achieved gradually.

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Focus on user requirements
Agile tools allow deliver advanced software, which is 100% consistent with current market requirements and user needs.

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Small-scale projects or Simple products
The SDLC waterfall approach works well for small projects and simple software products, when all requirements are clear from the beginning and no surprises are expected.

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Large-Scale Projects or Innovative Products
The Agile approach is more suitable for complex and large-scale projects. It also applies to innovative software because the Agile method allows for keeping up with new technologies.

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