The Pros and Cons of STO

Security Token Offerings (STOs), a new capital-raising tool in the digital financial sector, combine the traditional finance world with blockchain and regulatory compliance. STOs provide digital tokens that can be exchanged for the shares of underlying assets in the future in an encrypted and legally compliant way. They fuse the prospects of cryptocurrency with the essential features of regulation and safeguarding for investors, thus widening the category of investors and establishing a more powerful investment model in the long run. At the same time, STOs have pros and cons, so we offer to discover them in this article.

Key Takeaways
- Security token offering is a regulatory-compliant form of fundraising that offers global capital access and increased liquidity for traditionally illiquid assets. 
- STOs operate within securities law, providing a safer option for investors and companies, but also include some risks. 
- Studies show that companies conducting STOs have an average return on investment (ROI) of 156% within the first year.

Understanding the STOs

Security Token Offerings (STOs) are an innovative way of raising money that integrates technology and regulatory compliance. STOs are the issuance of digital tokens that are recorded on a blockchain, representing investors' rights to underlying assets or profits. These tokens have been defined as securities and thus attract regulators' scrutiny and adherence to legal frameworks to preserve investors' safety and market integrity. 

The principle of the tokenization process applies to a wide range of assets, such as real estate, stocks, bonds, or even artwork. It democratizes access to investment opportunities, increases liquidity, and reduces cost by being an intermediary elimination. Through the blockchain in the tokenization process, transaction integrity and transparency are ensured while fraud and disputes are minimized. The STOs fill the gap between STOs and ICOs since they merge the efficiency and transparency of the blockchain with security. The legal framework that governs STOs is vital because they must comply with the securities law, which ensures transparency, security, and accountability. This compliance covers the registration of the offering with regulatory bodies (like the SEC), financial and operational disclosure, and conformity with investor protection regulations.

The Pros of STOs

The emergence of STO as an investment and fundraising tool that specifically meets the needs of both investors and issuers has been the most distinctive alternative for both the conventional and digital ways of funding.

Access to global capital

STOs provide an all-the-world access capital toolkit for startups, small-cap, or big business enterprises to tap large capital pools. Unlike classic investment vehicles based on restrictions from the local legislature, STOs allow those residing in different parts of the world to participate in investment.

Therefore, assets can be traded beyond established borders, determining new markets and lowering financing costs. Investors enjoy enhanced opportunities as a result.

Increased liquidity

Through tokenization, there is a possibility of having intangible assets like land and artwork converted into tradable and non-fungible digital assets capable of fractional ownership. This function greatly benefits the liquidity of these assets, making them suitable for selling and buying on the secondary markets. Since the enhanced liquidity can reduce investors' worries about their future obligations and enable them to access better returns quickly, the investments will be equally attractive.

Improved transparency and compliance

Blockchain offers wider visibility and higher security. Each transaction is recorded in a register that cannot be changed or tampered with, and all the participants can see. The ledger provides real-time transparency. This, therefore, eliminates the existence of intermediaries, decreases transaction costs, and boosts efficiency. Last but not least, STO is based on the regulatory framework and securities rules, which aim at protecting investors' rights, and the real offer is project-related.

Read more about the latest crypto fundraising trends.

Partial ownership

STOs disrupt investing in precious assets through fractional ownership. Assets that were once exclusively owned by rich individuals or institutional investors can now be fractionalized and divided into smaller portions, making those assets more affordable to a broader range of investors. The wider-spreading investment opportunities allow small investors to diversify their portfolios while increasing the investor base and injecting new capital into the markets.

Programmable security

Programmability is realized in STO by merging smart contracts into tokens and establishing programmable securities. These smart contracts can perform various functions, including dividend distribution, voting rights, and compliance check tasks. This step simplifies operations and minimizes administrative jobs.

Agilie's specialty in delivering secure and interoperable technology solutions makes us a prominent player in bringing STO to companies aiming to optimize their capacity by utilizing the inherent value of blockchain.

Read more about our blockchain development benefits.

The benefits are notable, but the disadvantages should also be considered when deciding on a fundraising method.

The Cons of Security Token Offerings

STOs use a mix of regulatory compliance and blockchain technology, which facilitates the generation of new drawbacks.

Regulatory Uncertainty

The STOs are still observed within the scope of the national laws, as the flexibility of the global securities regulatory system remains a feature. The changeability of the environment might unpredictably add involvedness to STO issuance as the jurisdictions decide to upgrade their outdated laws concerning adopting new technologies. These complexities of this legal density cause more difficulties for global STO projects in drawing foreign investments.

Market Acceptance and Understanding

The concept of tokenized securities is very novel, and hence misconceptions and skepticism exist among investors. Contrary to what traditional instruments like stocks, bonds, and derivatives usually do to them, most see STOs as too hard to understand or speculative. This psychological fear further leads to low rates of STO adoption, which then may need more public education and marketing campaigns to increase acceptance and confidence.

Investor Accreditation Limitations

Most STOs are designed for accredited or qualified investors since regulatory frameworks govern their operation to protect retail investors from high-risk investments. On the one hand, full compliance and transparency are ensured by this technique. On the other hand, it results in a smaller base of investors, which decreases the campaign's scale and scope.

Expenditures and Burdens of Implementation

STOs must comply with all international regulatory requirements, the vast majority of which carry a considerable cost and red tape. The cost for legal advisers, auditors, and compliance platform development can be quite high. Besides this, another thing that needs a lot of adjustment is the strict compliance requirements that often change. Therefore, having experienced professionals and dedicated people is a must.

Technological Risks

While blockchain technology offers significant benefits, it has risks. Security vulnerabilities may result in hacking incidents, and the decentralized structure of blockchain makes it difficult to recover assets if a private key is lost. These threats trigger the need for robust security guidelines and disaster recovery plans to reduce the possible damage.

Limited Secondary Market

The immature secondary market for trading tokenized securities can limit liquidity and, therefore, diminish the potential attractiveness of STOs to investors. On the one hand, the automaticity of STOs is expected to increase the effectiveness of the secondary market; on the other hand, the reality depends greatly on active and accessible platforms for these tokens.

Our experience in blockchain development addresses the complexities and uncertainties of STOs. Our team is devoted to making the STO process easy and effective, thereby providing projects that are equipped to meet current regulations and technology for future changes.

Learn more about our blockchain software development services.

Future Outlook 

Security Token Offerings (STOs) are set to evolve as the global financial ecosystem becomes digitized, becoming a key mechanism for capital raising and investment across sectors, offering enhanced liquidity and efficiency, including the following aspects:

  1. Regulatory evolution

Regulation for the development of STOs results from realizing that investors' protection, fairness, and credibility are the crucial points of blockchain technology and digital securities.

  1. Technological Advancements

The swiftly burgeoning blockchain technology and security measures take care of STO scalability, transaction speed, and asset management with the advanced compliance mechanisms and asset management introduced by smart contracts.

  1. Sectoral Expansion

STOs were implemented in such sectors as infrastructure, renewable energy, and ownership of intellectual property. Tokenization was used to raise capital, and small investors could diversify their investments through their participation.

Agilie disrupts clients’ services by introducing new sectors and investment opportunities to STOs that work best with them. 

Our experience and passion create successful projects. Learn more about them. 


Security Token Offerings (STOs) are a new significant step in digital finance, thanks to a combination of blockchain technology and regulatory compliance. Investors gain from global capital access, increased liquidity availability, transparency, and investment democratization. Nevertheless, they need help with regulatory uncertainties, market competitiveness, investor accreditation restrictions, compliance costs, technological risks, and the absence of a secondary market. The delicate balance between innovation and regulation in the world of finance is very important because STOs can change the world of investment. 

Agilie, a leading company specializing in blockchain software development, shapes the future of digital finance.

Contact us and transform the digital finance future.




What potential sectors may benefit from STOs?


What challenges do STOs encounter?


What advantages do STOs have?

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