Must-Have Features of Real Estate CRM | Agilie

The real estate industry is very personalized: what one person requires is not desired by the other. It implies the need to store a huge amount of data concerning each client: his/her wishes, preferences, problems, intents, and suchlike. It’s obvious that a notebook or notes on your smartphone are not a good option. The information should be stored in the cloud and be accessible to each of your colleagues to maintain a continuous workflow. So, let’s consider CRM software for a real estate agency as one of the mandatory things for successful work.

What is Real Estate CRM?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is an internal system, which allows keeping client records and their requests. Real estate CRM solutions usually include the following information:

  • Name and contacts;

  • Requirements for new apartments (obligatory and desirable things);

  • Customer pains (an experience they are trying to avoid this time);

  • Relevant options of apartments to offer the client;

  • Transaction deadlines, etc.

There are no constraints on the stored data: you may have a totally personalized solution that would feature a user-friendly and simple interface for easy data entry. We’ll do our best to offer such a system despite a possibly huge amount of information it'll have to deal with.

Benefits of Real Estate CRM

91% of companies with 10 and more employees are using CRM solutions for real estate. There are several reasons why such systems have become so popular.

#1 Centralized Client Data Storage

CRM technologies are designed to organize the information received from completely different resources. Having the data in one place simplifies the provision of services and prevents data duplicates. In addition, it allows companies to fine-tune their strategies and improve customer retention.

#2 Cross-platform Instant Access

In order to get rid of the risks regarding data loss, one should choose to use the cloud, which is a preferable option. Modern technologies guarantee the preservation of records and round-the-clock access to them from any gadgets. You can start entering information on a PC and then continue on your smartphone. Today is the era of on-the-go agents who need to be everywhere at the same time.

#3 Analysis Tools

Quite a pertinent question: what to do with the collected information? Managing it manually is impossible and irrational. So, real estate CRM solutions include diverse tools based on Artificial Intelligence. They allow conducting complex analyses to forecast future sales using historical data. Moreover, such systems are able to learn customer trading habits and then advise you on how to maximize the revenue within the sales targets.

Thanks to various visual graphics and tables, you can track customers’ behavior and predict their wishes.

#4 Customized Lead Quality Criteria

The real estate industry is sometimes about serving multiple clients simultaneously. It makes agents categorize clients by different groups to effectively spend working time. Filtering relevant and irrelevant leads allows employees to prioritize certain groups of customers.

#5 Zero Lead Leakage

How often do one or a few leads slip out unnoticed? Don’t try to keep all things in your head: to avoid confusing situations, CRM solutions for real estate were invented. A smart system will inform you if a client has not received feedback yet. Thus, the reputation of your company won’t suffer.

Implementing a CRM should be a part of your strategy. It helps realtors build, manage, and sustain meaningful and successful relationships with customers.

The statistics mentioned below make the importance of a CRM obvious.

  • 29% of sales increase after launching a modern system.

  • 34% of sales productivity grow.

  • 42% of predicament accuracy increase.

  • The conversion of leads to clients rises up to 300%.

Key Features of Real Estate CRM

The solution provides users with a rich set of diverse features. The most common of them are:

  • Dashboard. Get a brief overview of the main indicators concerning sales stages, marketing reports, current leads, and so on;

  • Daily planner. The work of estate agents is not limited in time: it may be needed to show some apartments early in the morning on the weekend or late Friday night. So, a convenient multifunctional planner will help them keep all tasks in mind;

  • Property catalog. Having all items in one place accelerates the provision of services. Users can easily choose an appropriate option by filtering the content.

  • Notifications. Don’t miss important meetings and events. Reminders are one of the crucial real estate CRM features that helps to be always on time.

  • Cloud-based storage. There are two types of CRM solutions: desktop (a stand-alone program, which should be installed on a PC) and a cloud-based option (a website based on a remote server). Both types can send your files to the cloud to ensure they're safely preserved, so it doesn't matter what you choose. Easily manage your documents and don’t worry about a possible disaster (hard drive failure as an example);

  • Omnichannel communication. Customers communicate via different platforms: messengers, social networks, emails, etc. Using numerous diverse channels may blow up your mind, so a CRM is very useful for keeping in touch with clients;

  • Integration with third-party services. It’s one of the must-be real estate CRM features, which is obligatory if your company practices multichannel sales. Some agencies provide several services: independent home’s value assessment services, assistance in home buying-selling deals, and consulting. In such cases, we are speaking of different eco-systems and work scenarios. Provide your employees with the opportunity to create diverse sales models;

  • Document flow automation. Paperless interaction is mainstream today. CRM software for a real estate agency allows users to put the document flows on autopilot. It reduces the time needed to create, approve, and share docs.

  • Mobile version. It may be a mobile application or a mobile version of the website. Nowadays, mobile traffic reaches 70% of the total volume.


To stay competitive, we recommend not delaying the implementation of a CRM solution. The system is incredibly useful in analyzing piles of data and then managing it. With a CRM, you’ll not miss an important event or forget to give feedback to a client. In addition, different employees can access the deal details anytime if necessary.

In view of the fact that universal CRM systems are often unable to satisfy the requirements of ever-changing businesses, Agilie offers to develop a completely customized solution, which would meet all your individual needs.

50% of CRM users reported being more productive after the implementation of modern technologies. So, don’t pass up the chance to outrun your competitors. Fill in a few boxes in the contact form using the following link: It will be the first step to boosting the development of your business.


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